digital-garden  [Pinned]

olin-monster is a garden of ideas, projects and memories francis likes to grow and nurture. Digital gardens let you cultivate your own little bit of the internet, they are like wiki’s but more free-form and organic. It’s not as linear like a blog as items can grow and re-edited. It’s the antithesis of the linear posts and the consumer model social media pushes. It’s more like an invitation to dance (solo or together), then listening to someone on a soapbox or creating a polarizing buzz....


Chogyam Trungpa explains the eightfold path, symbolised by the 8 spokes of the dharma wheel thoroughly half way in the book ‘the myth of freedom’: “I am sorry not to be presenting any glamorous and beautiful promises. Wisdom happens to be a domestic affair. Buddha saw the world as it is and that was his enlightenment. Buddha means “awake,” being awake, completely awake—that seems to be his message to us. He offered us a path to being awake, a path with eight points, and he called it “the eightfold path....


Abbreviations that can be used in an alphanumeric shorthand systems. braille morse Some still useful abbreviations in use in morse code ADS address AGN again C correct, yes CK check FM from FWD forward N no, nine NIL nothing OK okay PLS please PPR paper PX prefix R received, roger RPT repeat please SF so far SIG signature TU thank you WD word/words Z zulu time UTC WX weather, weather report...




Alpine is a minimalist Linux distribution and uses musl as its libc, and BusyBox as core utilities. It forms the basis of postmarketOS I use it with: btrfs with zstd compression as root filesystem (if not using alpine on termux) salt-minion lame, ffmpeg, imagemagick, p7zip-full wget, curl, elinks, w3m, lynx, lftp, openssh, mosh, gemini, aria2c, youtube-dl caddy2, gemini wine...


inflammation Many major diseases including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, depression, and Alzheimer’s have been linked to chronic inflammation. Inflammation as a central mechanism in Alzheimer’s disease Is brain inflammation the missing trigger? Foods That Fight Inflammation debate on the beta-amyloid hypothesis Note the comments by Prof. Ashe who oversaw Lesne’s paper. She declined to comment to the Science article but commented on Alzforum. Notably, she claims the journalist conflated two forms of Aβ and drew invalid conclusions....


What apple has going for it is a vertically integrated system. The company controls the hardware and the software and can optimize both for the user experience. The downside can be that you have to buy into the Apple vision, literally and figuratively. While I love the aesthetic of MacOS and battery life of arm64 macbooks, it’s not worth it for me in the end; I rather opt for a arm64 based chromebook to run linux on it with Aline, Wayland, Logseq, Vassal and a nice compositor....

2023-07-25 163 words


The King fairy stories Tolkien connects all of fairy-story to the master-narrative of Christianity: fall and redemption through the impossible eucatastrophe of resurrection. This is the Christo-centric passion of the Logos as we see played out in the death and resurrection of Gandalf, Aragorn’s journey into and return from the land of the dead, Éowyn’s rescue of Théoden from the King of the Wraiths and her healing by Aragorn, the charge of the Rohirrim, and Frodo’s trudge up the Golgotha of Mt....



Atisha Dipankara (980/90-1055) was a Pali emipre (current day Bengal) Buddhist scholar at the monastic university Vikramashila, who was invited to Tibet and spent the last 12 years of his life there. He is recognised as one of the greatest figures of medieval Buddhism. Atiśa’s main disciple, Dromtön founded the Kadam school. The Root Text of the Seven Points of Training the Mind is based on his teachings. Similar to Gautama Buddha, Atiśa was born into royalty....