
Many major diseases including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, depression, and Alzheimer’s have been linked to chronic inflammation.

Inflammation as a central mechanism in Alzheimer’s disease Is brain inflammation the missing trigger?

Foods That Fight Inflammation

debate on the beta-amyloid hypothesis

Note the comments by Prof. Ashe who oversaw Lesne’s paper. She declined to comment to the Science article but commented on Alzforum. Notably, she claims the journalist conflated two forms of Aβ and drew invalid conclusions.

Many scientists believe the fraud is grave and inexcusable but the impact on research is exaggerated. Comments on twitter from other researchers echo this sentiment.




test scores

Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) score >= 19 - 26 Alzheimer’s Questionnaire (AQ21)>5 CNS Vital Signs <50th percentile in at least two subtests or <70th percentile for the Neurocognitive Index (NCI)


grief and loss

  • Simos, Bertha, A Time to Grieve: Loss as a Universal Human Experience. Extremely readable description of the grief process, the phases of loss, interventions, problems.

  • Raphael, Beverley, The Anatomy of Bereavement.  In-depth study. Covering a large spectrum of situations, showing how the nature of attachment at different stages of the life cycle colors the grief process, e.g. adult grief, grief of children, adolescents, old people. Uses modified psychoanalytic model, as well as the attachment theory of John Bowlby.

  • Warden, J. William, Ph.D., Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy. Good handbook. Differentiates between normal grief and ways of getting stuck in the grief process, as well as how to assist someone going through relatively normal grief, as well as those with distorted grief reactions.

what may also help

Soy isoflavones may improve cognitive function in adults

Small-to-medium effect-size cognitive benefits of resveratrol were seen in four studies of older adults of mixed gender and in postmenopausal women who took 150-200 mg resveratrol daily for at least 14 weeks.

Q10, vitamin K, vitamin D3, fat fish

muscle loss

Amino acids and protein are important to help keep those throat muscles used in swallowing strong into old age and during the decline in Alzheimer’s. Once those throat muscles weaken it causes Dysphasia and trouble swallowing to the point where you can’t eat or drink anymore, and that is usually the end in dementia. The brain also controls swallowing but the muscles have to be there in good shape too.

“For this reason, long-term essential amino acid supplementation may be a useful tool for the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia, particularly if excess leucine is provided in the supplement.”. Sarcopenia is wasting of muscle.