- feeding your demons and other kinds of schaduwwerk https://olin.monster/pages/shadow-work/
- somatic experiencing
- the wonder method
- conscious movement: 5 ritmes, open floor, azul, tandava, vajra dance - bv. https://openfloor.org/ https://www.amazon.com/Dancing-Dharma-Movement-Western-Buddhism/dp/0786498099 https://www.movingdharma.org/programs/dance/
- tsoknyi rinpoche body awareness: fully being https://fullybeing.org/ https://tsoknyirinpoche.org/guided-meditations/
- open water swimming
- pathwork (more grounded channeling) en core energetics
- christian tantra, contemplative prayer and mysticism (john dupuche, olivier clement, brother john of taize, david steindl-rast)
- shambhala training
- psychosynthese and gestalt therapie
- inner aspects method en internal family systems
- core transformation