
Alternative Head Injury Protocol, Genetic Testing and Brain Scans.

Patrick di Santo, Casey R Toews, Anna Pope, Merlin G Butler, Bruce M Cappo, Laura Morris, Arthur Burrows.

“… increased exercise, changes in diet with moderate increase in fats and supplements such as lion’s mane mushrooms, ginger, reishi mushrooms, green tea, dark chocolate, sugar, honey, maple syrup, ghee, sage, and turmeric.

Weight gain occurred suggesting additional dietary alternatives could be considered, including Ketosis and fatty acid diet supplements that may impact brain health including: medium-chain triglyceride oil, oleic acid and erucic acid (1-part glycerol trierucate, as the triacylglycerol forms of oleic acid and erucic acid, which is prepared from olive oil and rapeseed oil”

Chemistry, Nutrition, and Health-Promoting Properties of Hericium

erinaceus (Lion’s Mane) Mushroom Fruiting Bodies and Mycelia and Their Bioactive Compounds

Mendel Friedman

“The reported health-promoting properties of the mushroom fruit bodies, mycelia, and bioactive pure compounds include antibiotic, anticarcinogenic, antidiabetic, antifatigue, antihypertensive, antihyperlipodemic, antisenescence, cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, nephroprotective, and neuroprotective properties and improvement of anxiety, cognitive function, and depression. The described anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, and immunostimulating properties in cells, animals, and humans seem to be responsible for the multiple health-promoting properties. A wide range of research advances and techniques are described and evaluated.”

Neurological Activity of Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus)

“The mushroom is abundant in bioactive compounds including β-glucan polysaccharides; hericenones and erinacine terpenoids; isoindolinones; sterols; and myconutrients, which potentially have neuroprotective and neuroregenerative properties. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties and promotion of nerve growth factor gene expression and neurite (axon or dendrite) outgrowth, H. erinaceus mycelium shows great promise for the treatment of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. The fungus was well tolerated in two clinical studies, with few adverse events reported.”

Neurotrophic Properties of the Lion’s Mane Medicinal Mushroom,

Hericium erinaceus (Higher Basidiomycetes) from Malaysia

International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms. Volume 15, Issue 6, 2013, pp. 539-554,034eeb045436a171,750a15ad12ae25e9.html

“Neurotrophic factors are important in promoting the growth and differentiation of neurons. Nerve growth factor (NGF) is essential for the maintenance of the basal forebrain cholinergic system. Hericenones and erinacines isolated from the medicinal mushroom Hericium erinaceus can induce NGF synthesis in nerve cells. In this study, we evaluated the synergistic interaction between H. erinaceus aqueous extract and exogenous NGF on the neurite outgrowth stimulation of neuroblastoma-glioma cell NG108-15. The neuroprotective effect of the mushroom extract toward oxidative stress was also studied. Aqueous extract of H. erinaceus was shown to be non-cytotoxic to human lung fibroblast MRC-5 and NG108-15 cells. The combination of 10 ng/mL NGF with 1 μg/mL mushroom extract yielded the highest percentage increase of 60.6% neurite outgrowth. The extract contained neuroactive compounds that induced the secretion of extracellular NGF in NG108-15 cells, thereby promoting neurite outgrowth activity. However, the H. erinaceus extract failed to protect NG108-15 cells subjected to oxidative stress when applied in pre-treatment and co-treatment modes. In conclusion, the aqueous extract of H. erinaceus contained neuroactive compounds which induced NGF-synthesis and promoted neurite outgrowth in NG108-15 cells. The extract also enhanced the neurite outgrowth stimulation activity of NGF when applied in combination. The aqueous preparation of H. erinaceus had neurotrophic but not neuroprotective activities.”

Neuroregenerative Potential of Lion’s Mane Mushroom, Hericium

erinaceus (Bull.: Fr.) Pers. (Higher Basidiomycetes), in the Treatment of Peripheral Nerve Injury (Review),03ea8c440cfbb276,23c2fd3840f4e0c9.html

“We present a model case study of the activity of aqueous extract of Hericium erinaceus fresh fruit bodies in promoting functional recovery following crush injury to the peroneal nerve in adult female Sprague-Dawley rats. The aim was to explore the possible use of this mushroom in nerve repair. The activities of aqueous extract were compared to activities exhibited by mecobalamin (vitamin B12), which has been widely used in the treatment of peripheral nerve disorders”


3x1000 mg daily

[..] most of the benefits are in tincture. That’s because mushroom cell walls are made of chitin, a natural fibrous substance generally considered to be indigestible in the human gut. So in other words if non extracted mushroom powder is consumed, most of the compounds would pass right through the human digestive tract because all those valuable components lies behind chitin walls which are only reachable by double extracting and making a tincture (with alcohol and water). People dont even know how to use them and buys in capsules which is a waste of money:).

lions mane 50:1 extract, spirulina, maqui berry, and celastrus seed extract, and chaga, grapeseed extract oriveda lions mane.

nootropic’s depot’s 8:1 dual extract or Oriveda’s lions mane extracts.





You want the mycelium extract of lion’s mane if you are looking to maximize brain-building benefits. Pull up the latest lion’s manes studies and you will see this is the case. The mycelium has erinacines in it, unlike the fruiting bodies. Erinacines are the most potent neurogenesis promoting compound in the lion’s mane organism.

Hericenones are found in the fruiting bodies and also produce neurogenesis to a egree, but not to the extent of the erinacines, which promote neurogenesis many times more, according to the latest scientific literature.'s,5%3B%206%3B%207%5D.

[[nmn]] resveratrol, and [[pterostilbene]]

reishi and lion’s mane

Myco Host Botanicals

Turkey tail and myelin regeneration. There should be a paper by the NIH

Hericenones are found only in the fruiting body while Erinacines are found only in the mycelium. So if you are hoping for hericenones you can eat all the mycelium you want and miss out or vice versa.

Similarly beta-flu and and triterpenoids are not found in mycelium at any appreciable level. So the “reishi” portion of Stamets 7 is essentially funky sawdust.

Beta-glucans, which support immunity, and are considered to be antibiotic and antiviral. Triterpenoids, which are found to be liver protective, lipid lowering, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and inhibit histamine release.

Ergosterol, which has antitumor and antioxidant properties, and is a precursor to Vitamin D2.

Statins, which, in high doses, have the ability to lower cholesterol.


Deze stof zit in de vruchtlichamen van Lion’s Mane. Het komt echter ook in veel andere dingen voor. Uit onderzoek met muizen[1] blijkt dat hericenone een sterk stimulerend effect op de biosynthese van de zenuwgroeifactor heeft.

Maar wat is dat; de zenuwgroeifactor, of, in het Engels, de ‘nerve growth factor’ (NGF)? NGF speelt een rol bij de groei, proliferatie, het onderhoud en het voortbestaan van neuronen. Het heeft ook een functie in het immuunsysteem op het gebied van ontstekingen en de pijnperceptie. Een ander interessant feit: de concentratie NGF blijkt hoger te zijn in het bloedplasma[2] van mensen die minder dan twaalf maanden een romantische relatie hebben dan bij mensen met een langere relatie.


Voor zover we weten, komt erinacine voornamelijk in het mycelium van Lion’s Mane voor. Zowel binnenin als aan de buitenkant van de paddenstoel zijn er vijftien verschillende soorten erinacine geïdentificeerd. Van deze vijftien typen hebben meerdere een krachtig effect op NGF[3] (erinacine A, B, C, E, F, H en I). Volgens sommigen hebben deze een sterker effect dan hericenone.


Lion’s Mane is ook een rijke bron van polysachariden. Dat is een breed begrip voor het koolstofhydraat dat in de natuur het meest voorkomt. Polysachariden zijn ketens van tien of meer monosacchariden. Voorbeelden van monosacchariden zijn glucose, fructose en glyceraldehyde, maar er zijn er nog veel meer. In lichamen, zowel van dieren, planten als schimmels, spelen ze een rol bij de structuur en opslag — afhankelijk van de moleculen waaruit de keten bestaat. Mogelijk hebben de polysachariden in Lion’s Mane een andere keten.

In paddenstoelen komen polysachariden gewoonlijk voor in chitine, het hoofdbestanddeel van de celwanden.