the tibetan mo is an oracle involving a 6 sided dice. One starts with calling the manjushri mantra and then the mantra of dependent origination.

manjushri mantra

The 5 in between syllables in the mantra do not have an inherent meaning but are often found in buddhist and prajnaparamita texts. In the Large Sutra of Perfect Wisdom (Conze translation) they are explained such.

A leads to the insight that the essence of all things is unproduced.

RA leads to the insight that all things are pure and free of defilements.

PA leads to the insight that all dharmas have been “expounded in the ultimate sense.”

CA leads to the insight that the arising and ceasing of things cannot be apprehended because in reality there is no arising or ceasing.

NA leads to the insight that although the names for things change the nature of things behind their names cannot be gained or lost.

These are all important concepts in the Perfection of Wisdom, although to say they are concepts is a bit limiting — really they’re attempts to describe the indescribable nature of reality.

Dhīḥ is defined as meaning: thought , (especially) religious thought , reflection , meditation , devotion , prayer; understanding, intelligence, wisdom

It’s also said they represent the 5 buddha families.

Om Ah Ra Pa Za Na Dhi Manjushri mantra recited by Thubten Wangchen

The mantra of dependent origination


This mantra is actually a pith instruction of the Buddha’s profound insight into interdependent origination. The first mantra should be recited three or seven times (or more, if you wish), and the second mantra should be recited one, three or seven times. In conclusion, blow upon the dice to endow it with the power of the mantras. Then, keeping in mind your question and also the name of the person for whom you are casting the prediction (if it is not being thrown on your own behalf), cast the dice two times and.then examine the answer. For example, if at the first throw of the dice the letter RA appears, and at the second the letter DHI appears, then you should search for the answer RA DHI, which is number 12.


Each answer of this prediction system is divided into several parts. First, the name of the answer is given; the lead paragraph explains the name using metaphors and symbols, while the next paragraph characterizes the answer, often by quoting some source in order to show the general trend of the answer. Following this, eleven categories are listed with specific predictions for each, and finally a supplementary name is given. The eleven main categories cover all the possible questions that you put forth to the book. They are listed below, with a brief description of the realm of experience that each covers.

Family, property and life: foundations of your life, including anything dealing with your physical life or vitality, your family and property. Intentions and aims: the goals and aims you may seek within your business, as well as other aspects of your life. Friends and wealth: the people you associate with as well as your financial affairs and business affairs. Enemies: description of any enemies you may have. Guests: this category was necessary in Tibet where it might take a guest several months to arrive, so there was always a concern for visitors en route. Illness: the state of your health. Evil spirits: possibility of your troubles arising from some negative forces, such as spirits or unwholesome environmental conditions.

Spiritual practice: obstacles and outlook for spiritual practices. Lost article: whether a lost article can be found and where. Will they come, and will the task be accomplished: the meeting with another and the possibility of accomplishing some work. All remaining matters: covers any other question which may not fall under any of the above categories.

Not only are answers given, but also advice is proffered regarding how to overcome particular problems. Generally, a specific spiritual practice, a ritual or the reliance upon a certain deity is proposed. The common Tibetan did not have the ability to perform these rituals or meditations, so it was (and continues to be) the practice for the inquirer to approach the local monastery or those who were learned in the performance of rituals to do whatever was needed on his or her be half. Therefore, although you may be unfamiliar with some of the names of deities, rituals and texts, the authors left them in the translation with the thought that you may have the opportunity to approach someone with that knowledge. Once these remedies are under stood they can be used by the inquirer to help over come the problem or to accomplish one’s aims and wishes. To ascertain whether an answer is very firm or weak, it is advisable to throw the dice two more times. If the same two syllables are repeated, then this means that your ansWer is very firm. If the two syllables reverse themselves then the answer is a weak one. If the two syllables of the subsequent toss are different, then your answer is good as it stands. You can also look into the answer from other perspectives. For example, whether the prediction is favorable or unfavorable for the present time, it is good to perform another throw of the dice in regards to the future. In this way you can make predictions for dif ferent times. If the question you ask is a very serious one, such as one concerning a major illness, then it is good to make several predictions about it. If it is only a small matter, then one prediction is enough.