A great (nerdy) guy who is quite far on that path is the bioneer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWuKIlbybqY
And for food we should try to focus on whole foods and not calories and almost no-one should try to diet like a body builder prepping for a show. They feel terrible and you are priming the body to store energy in the fat cells. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/stop-counting-calories
six times a day for five days a week (6×5), maximal eccentric biceps contractions, bicep curl, lengthen muscle by lowering heavy dumbbell.
A single three second bicep curl. max effort for three seconds a day, for five days a week over four weeks. These students did their curls in one of three different ways, performing an isometric, concentric, or eccentric bicep curl during the experiment.
A decrease in muscle mass is a cause of many chronic disease such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, dementia, plus musculoskeletal problems such as osteoporosis.”
f you have a pair of water bottles, hold one in each hand as you bend your knees and squat to strengthen your legs. Use a bottle to perform arm curls as you bend your elbows and raise the bottles toward your shoulders to strengthen the front of your upper arm. Lift your bottles overhead to strengthen your shoulders.
walking with weights https://www.masterclass.com/articles/walking-with-weights-guide
water bottles
0.5 liter bottle
A full 0.5l water bottle weight approximately 0.5kg and can be used in place of dumbbells for arm exercises such as arm curls, arm overhead extensions and arm overhead presses. If this is light for you, perform a higher number of repetitions, such as 15 to 30.
+ ## Gallon Jug
Lift 3.6 liter water bottles for greater resistance during strength-training exercises. A gallon container may weigh approximately 3.6 pounds when full of water. If you fill the bottle with dirt or sand, you increase the weight to approximately 6 Kg. The weight of a gallon jug is not equally distributed when you use it for exercises such as arm curls, chest presses or back pull-ins. This uneven weight brings the added benefit of strengthening your smaller, stabilizing muscles, which are engaged to maintain control of the bottle.
+ ## Exercises
Use your recycled water bottles in many of the same exercises you would use a dumbbell. If you have a pair of water bottles, hold one in each hand as you bend your knees and squat to strengthen your legs. Use a bottle to perform arm curls as you bend your elbows and raise the bottles toward your shoulders to strengthen the front of your upper arm. Lift your bottles overhead to strengthen your shoulders. Just as with dumbbells, your water bottle exercise variations are numerous and will offer you a total body workout.