Rigdzin Shikpo alias Michael Hookham is the author of the book “Never turn away” and founder of the Longchen Foundation.

The title of this [..] comes from the teachings Rigdzin Shikpo received from Trungpa Rinpoche, who said that we should always turn toward those things that scare us, open to them completely, and never turn away from them. This path of openness, clarity, and sensitivity is a hallmark of the Dzogchen tradition of Buddhist practice. Rigdzin Shikpo has lived its truth so deeply that his words shine with authenticity and freshness."

Amazon: Never Turn Away

[About Rigdzin Shikpo on Longchen Foundation page]https://www.longchenfoundation.org/rigdzin-shikpo-rinpoche/

Rigdzin Shikpo on youtube

Rigdzin Shikpo on vimeo


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