Working with what Jung called The Shadow
Edward C. Whitmont, The Evolution of the Shadow
D. Patrick Miller, What the Shadow Knows: An Interview with John A. Sanford
Excerpts from ‘Meeting the Shadow’ by Connie Zweig
William A. Miller, Finding the Shadow in Daily Life summary
Jordan Peterson talks about the Shadow
Chogyam Trungpa, Smile at Fear
Facing obstacles, defilements, hindrances and obscurations (kleshas) with Lojong practice
Slogan 27: Work with your greatest defilements first. Judith Lief
Slogan 36: Don't act with a twist
Slogan 4: Self-liberate even the antidote
Slogan 37: Don’t make gods into demons
Slogan 44: Train in the three difficulties
Slogan 33: Don’t bring things to a painful point
Dealing with Dharma protectors
Alexander Berzin. What are Dharma protectors
Tea with Dragons, Alan Seale (1997)
“One of my friends speaks of recognizing the dragons as they appear, and inviting them for tea. In a very civilized manner, she sits down with the dragons and talks through the issues. In doing this, she is disempowering the dragon, disempowering the fear. As the fear is disempowered, the blocks to the flow of Love begin to fall away, and you can move on in your freedom journey.”
Feed your demons, Tsultrim Allione (2008)
How to feed your demons - public short version 2018, Tsultrim Allione
Excerpt about the Addiction demon
Feeding your demons meditation with Project Sunshine 2018 1h37m mp3. Tsultrim Allione. Starts from around minute 23.
Tricycle review (and warning) on Allione’s ‘Cutting through Fear’ adaptation
Insanely Gifted, Jamie Catto (2012)
Transforming Shadows - Turn your demons into employees
Embracing the Shadow by Charley Morley
Tina Gilbertson: T-R-U-T-H technique
Independent similar process by Tantra Gal, Shadow into Ally in 6 easy steps
Tantra Gal (2015), Shadow into Ally in 6 easy steps
Jamie Cato. Transforming Shadows into Rocket-Fuel
Integral 3-2-1
Shadow in Integral theory and practice
PL 25,26,28,38,39,40,41,50,72,73,83,84,96,97,100,101,104,124,125,135,148,176,190,195,196
Facing the Lower Self by Jan Rigsby
Introductory topics by Jan Rigsby
Pathwork short multiline summaries by Jan Rigsby
Pathwork multipage summary lectures until 100
PL040: More on Image finding, a summary
PL124: Language of the unconscious
PL125: Transition from the No-current to the Yes-current
Wilrieke Sophia
Using sex to explore our shadow side
The possible shadow of boundaries
Pierro Ferucci
Roberto Assagioli
The value of confession according to Jung
Penance and Reconciliation 1982 (Vatican)
The Way of the Cross
Ephesians 6:10-20
[Navolging, vertaling van Mink de Vries. H13 Weerstand bieden aan verleidingen. H19 Geestelijke oefeningen. H21 Je fouten en tekortkomingen toegeven. H22 Nadenken over de menselijke ellende. H23 Nadenken over de dood. H31,32 Afstand nemen van alles/je ego. H36 Hoe gaan we om met mensen die ons verkeerd beoordelen. H40 De mens heeft niets om trots op te zijn. H41 Richt je niet op eer of tijdelijke roem. H56 We moeten onszelf durven opgeven]
Eugen Drewermann. Kleriker: Psychogramm eines Ideals (1989). The dark side of purity and humility
Introduction to Chod, Jerome Edou
Four demons of Chod, Jerome Edou
Inviting the Demon, Judith Simmer-Brown, Parabola 1997
Book review: Machik’s Complete Explanation by Sarah Harding
Alejandro Chaoul, Tricycle article: The most generous cut
Alejandro Chaoul, Chod practice in the Bon tradition
Chod, cutting through the ego, Yangthang Rinpoche, Hawaii 1991
Surmang Chod, 4th Trungpa. Alta Brown
Florien Kortenhorst: Schaduwwerk sessie
Connie Zweig, Meeting the Shadow: a Reader
Connie Zweig, Romancing the Shadow
Verena Kast, Imagination as Space of Freedom
Robert Johnson, Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth
Selected article summaries from Meeting the Shadow
Shadow-making: Forming the Disowned Self in the Family
Harville Hendrix, Creating the False Self
Robert M. Stein, Rejection and Betrayal
Kim Chernin, The Underside of the Mother-Daughter Relationship
John A. Sanford, Parenting and Your Child’s Shadow
Shadow-Boxing: The Dance of Envy, Anger, and Deceit
Christine Downing, Sisters and Brothers Casting Shadows
Daryl Sharp, My Brother/Myself
Maggie Scarf, Meeting Our Opposites in Husbands and Wives
Michael Ventura, Shadow Dancing in the Marriage Zone
The Disowned Body: Illness, Health, and Sexuality
John Conger, The Body as Shadow
John Pierrakos, Anatomy of Evil
Larry Dossey, The Light of Health, The Shadow of Illness
Alfred Ziegler, Illness as Descent into the Body
Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig, The Demonic Side of Sexuality
The Shadow of Achievement: The Dark Side of Work and Progress
Bruce Shackleton, Meeting the Shadow at Work
John R. O’Neill, The Dark Side of Success
Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig, Quacks, Charlatans, and False Prophets
Marsha Sinetar, Using Our Flaws and Faults
Chellis Glendinning, When Technology Wounds
Peter Bishop, Wilderness as a Victim of Progress
Devils, Demons, and Scapegoats: A Psychology of Evil
Carl Jung, The Problem of Evil Today
Rollo May, The Dangers of Innocence
M. Scott Peck, Healing Human Evil
Stephen A. Diamond, Redeeming Our Devils and Demons
Ernest Becker, The Basic Dynamic of Human Evil
Andrew Bard Schmookler, Acknowledging Our Inner Split
Shadow-Work: Bringing Light to the Darkness Through Therapy, Story, and Dreams
James Hillman, The Cure of the Shadow
Sheldon B. Kopp, Tale of a Descent into Hell
Joseph Campbell, The Belly of the Whale
Gary Toub, The Usefulness of the Useless
Karen Signell, Working with Women's Dreams
Janice Brewi and Anne Brennan, Emergence of the Shadow in Midlife
Daniel Levinson, For the Man at Midlife
Liliane Frey-Rohn, How to Deal with Evil
Owning Your Dark Side Through Insight, Art, and Ritual
Ken Wilber, Taking Responsibility for Your Shadow
Robert Bly, Eating the Shadow
Nathaniel Branden, Taking Back the Disowned Self
Hal Stone and Sidra Winkelman, Dialogue with the Demonic Self
John Bradshaw, Taming the Shame
Barbara Hannah, Learning Active Imagination
Linda Jacobson, Drawing the Shadow
Decna Metzger, Writing about the Other