1: cosmic mirror, Shiwa Okar, and the nature of the warrior master
Manual, 1981 Kalapa Assembly Talk 1, Discovering Shiwa Okar, pp. 9-11 Talk 2 The Primordial Mirror, pp. 11-17 1984 Kalapa Assembly Talk by Loppon, pp 75 – 81 instructions from “Mahamudra in Four Letters” quoted in Mahamudra, Mind and Meditation, by Dagpo Tashi Namgyal, translated by Lobsang Lhalungpa, (Shambhala Publications) p. 271
2: offerings of body speech and mind
Manual: Procedures for Practice, pp 211-212
The Tiger, Lion, Garuda, Dragon Glory: Veneration of the Ashe Culture of Shambhala, pp 57-59
3: drala and windhorse
Manual, 1982 and 1984 Kalapa Assembly Talks Talk 1: Werma Transmission, pp 25-27 T Talk 2: Drala Principle pp 27-31 Talk 3: Windhorse, pp. 31- 34 Talk 8: Werma Practice, pp. 34-35
4: drala principle within the 3 courts - cosmic, elemental, personal
Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior: Chap. 13 How to Invoke Magic & Chap. 21 The Shambhala Lineage Manual: Commentaries by Dorje Loppon Lodro Dorje – 1985 Kalapa Assembly talk – pp. 81-88; 1986 Kalapa Assembly talk – pp. 88-101
5: praises
Manual: The Thought and Sign Lineage, pp. 18-20; Being on Time, pp. 24-25; Offerings and Praise, pp.132-133
6: deepening understanding of absolute and relative ashe
the golden sun of the great east and the Tiger, Lion, Garuda, Dragon Glory, Dorje Dradul of Mukpo
7: activating practice: from energetic connection with shiwa okar to energizing warrior activity
matrix of mystery, herbert guenther
Werma Sadhana Reading Transmission Keltic Lodge, December 1, 1980 pp 2-4 (until Löppon practice instructions) 1982 KA Talk 1: Lhasang and Werma Sadhana Transmission pp 25-27 1982 KA Talk 2: Drala Principle 1984 KA Talk 5 (named Talk 8 in the Werma Manual), pp 34-35 Rose with Thorns Katham Sikyong Ösel Tendzin pp 65-74 (Boulder 1984)
8: feast
Atisha Slogan 22: If you can practice even when distracted, you are well trained
two lhasang liturgies: The short lungta raising chant, the “Invocation for Raising Windhorse,” and the “Warrior Song of Drala: the Long Werma Lhasang” (a Gesar invocation)"