
Chogyam Trungpa explains the eightfold path, symbolised by the 8 spokes of the dharma wheel thoroughly half way in the book ‘the myth of freedom’: “I am sorry not to be presenting any glamorous and beautiful promises. Wisdom happens to be a domestic affair. Buddha saw the world as it is and that was his enlightenment. Buddha means “awake,” being awake, completely awake—that seems to be his message to us. He offered us a path to being awake, a path with eight points, and he called it “the eightfold path....


Atisha Dipankara (980/90-1055) was a Pali emipre (current day Bengal) Buddhist scholar at the monastic university Vikramashila, who was invited to Tibet and spent the last 12 years of his life there. He is recognised as one of the greatest figures of medieval Buddhism. Atiśa’s main disciple, Dromtön founded the Kadam school. The Root Text of the Seven Points of Training the Mind is based on his teachings. Similar to Gautama Buddha, Atiśa was born into royalty....



Judy Lief https://judylief.com/blog Among other things she teaches the material contained in The Profound Treasury trilogy and can be listened to in podcasts. https://judylief.com/books/profound-treasury Mark Szpakowski Maintainer of Radio Free Shambhala. http://radiofreeshambhala.org/ https://medium.com/@szpak/open-dojo-9375b02d81b0 https://twitter.com/szpak https://www.chronicleproject.com/mark-szpakowski/ Rigdzin Shikpo aka Michael Hookham When Rinpoche met his principal teacher, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche in 1965, he had already been training in Buddhist meditation for a number of years, and was closely associated with the Buddhist Society in London....


Cheerful indicates good attitude. Happy goes with sad; one of the 8 worldly dharmas. The idea of saying ‘cheerful birthday’ is wishing that someone will maintain practice discipline rather than wishing that they’ll have pleasure. It’s “some sense of upliftedness, actually”. You could also use it as a [[credential]] - some words and phrases that are used as a kind of self-medication to subtly or not so subtly prop-up yourself. Speaking party line rather than thinking for themselves....


A sort of pride in titles and credentials, solidifying the ego Buddhadharma Without Credentials Vajradhatu Publications, 1973 - 71 pages, talk https://www.elephantjournal.com/2012/02/buddhadharma-without-credentials-linda-v-lewis/ Also see boredom


“.. the point is not to relate with that person as an impersonal thing, but as something still living and continuing. In that way you will be able to relate with the person and go along with the situation. Another important point is not to be either too compassionate and gentle or too aggressive. You should be aware of the “idiot compassion” aspect of being too kind, and at the same time, you should be aware of laying your trip on the other person....


Chekhawa Yeshe Dorje (1102–1176) composed Training the Mind in Seven Points. He calls it “instructions for controlling self-grasping”. This is one of the essential root texts of the Kadampa tradition and was the basis for Je Tsongkhapa’s text Sunrays of Training the Mind, which is regarded as one of the most authoritative commentaries on training the mind. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chekawa_Yeshe_Dorje https://walthambuddhist.org/pdf/lojong_root_text.pdf commentaries on 7-point mind training https://www.amazon.nl/Mind-Training-Ringu-Tulku/dp/1559392789 https://www.amazon.nl/Training-Cultivating-Loving-Kindness-Chogyam-Trungpa/dp/1590300513/ https://studybuddhism.com/en/tibetan-buddhism/mind-training sunrays of training the mind https://www....


Samenvatting van het boek “Wijsheid van een gebroken hart” van Susan Piver: Hoe om te gaan met het trauma van een gebroken hart. De auteur deelt haar persoonlijke ervaring met liefdesverdriet en beschrijft het als een fysiek verbrijzelende en mentaal verslindende ervaring. Ze vertelt het eigen verhaal over een diep emotionele en transformerende relatie die eindigde en hen achterliet in een staat van wanhoop en verwarring. De auteur legt uit dat dit liefdesverdriet hen naar een spirituele reis leidde, waar ze ontdekten dat hun intense emoties geen probleem waren maar een bron van kracht....


The 17th Karmapa, head of the Kagyu lineage talks about community: “[..] calling the qualities and love that we innately have to mind and bringing them into our Dharma practice is so much better than hundreds or thousands of conceptually fabricated practices. Many of you have Dharma friends, but usually you only think about the lama and do not particularly pay any attention to your Dharma friends. Yet you should keep your Dharma friends in mind, and consider how you can create Dharma connections with one another and develop those Dharma connections through harmonious samaya commitments with one another....