https://www.rigpawiki.org/index.php?title=Ng%C3%B6ndro https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ng%C3%B6ndro Root lama 4 thoughts refuge tree refuge Amount Prostrating is good, but if trying to do a hundred thousand becomes a huge hassle and causes great difficulties, it is no longer Dharma practice. Since this is a ngondro practice that I wrote, when you practice, you can decrease the number a bit. You do not absolutely have to do one hundred thousand prostrations. The minimum is one thousand or ten thousand, or perhaps fifty thousand....
“Every movement of the mind becomes bliss and emptiness; All polarity disappears when the mind emerges into nakedness. This is the mandala in which the six senses are self-liberated. On seeing your face I am overjoyed. Now pain and pleasure alike have become ornaments which it is pleasant to wear. The experience of joy becomes devotion and I am drunk with all-pervading blessings. This is a sign of the merging of mind and guru....
“Samaya is a basic term in the language of tantra. The Tibetan translation, tamtsik (dam tshig), literally means “sacred word.” The fact of life, the actual experience of life, is samaya. Whatever we decide to do, all the trips we go through, all the ways we try to become an individual are personal experience. Fighting for personal rights of all kinds, falling in love or leaving our lover, relating with our parents, making political commitments, relating with our job or our church—all these things are the expression of samaya....