
examples questions A good products sells itself, it’s a form of natural and organic marketing. What are the ethics and potential pitfalls, when does it become one-sided and manipulative. What is the role of intention and management expectations? How can the issue of parasocial relationships be mitigated? Limiting beliefs about money, in what way can money be a problem? is it “wrong” to ask money for a spiritual or informal personal help?...


With the right group you can create a space for authentic encounters, play, stillness, body and breath awareness, being connected with the belly, the head and the heart. I experienced a week in buddhist and christian retreats as such. At the same time, it can be a lot to be together, overwhelm even with morning prayers or silence. The more people are together the fuller the field can become. Feelings of loneliness, insecurity, feeling full or feeling lost all can arise....