
Chekhawa Yeshe Dorje (1102–1176) composed Training the Mind in Seven Points. He calls it “instructions for controlling self-grasping”. This is one of the essential root texts of the Kadampa tradition and was the basis for Je Tsongkhapa’s text Sunrays of Training the Mind, which is regarded as one of the most authoritative commentaries on training the mind. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chekawa_Yeshe_Dorje https://walthambuddhist.org/pdf/lojong_root_text.pdf commentaries on 7-point mind training https://www.amazon.nl/Mind-Training-Ringu-Tulku/dp/1559392789 https://www.amazon.nl/Training-Cultivating-Loving-Kindness-Chogyam-Trungpa/dp/1590300513/ https://studybuddhism.com/en/tibetan-buddhism/mind-training sunrays of training the mind https://www....


https://www.rigpawiki.org/index.php?title=Ng%C3%B6ndro https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ng%C3%B6ndro Root lama 4 thoughts refuge tree refuge Amount Prostrating is good, but if trying to do a hundred thousand becomes a huge hassle and causes great difficulties, it is no longer Dharma practice. Since this is a ngondro practice that I wrote, when you practice, you can decrease the number a bit. You do not absolutely have to do one hundred thousand prostrations. The minimum is one thousand or ten thousand, or perhaps fifty thousand....


Working with what Jung called The Shadow Edward C. Whitmont, The Evolution of the Shadow D. Patrick Miller, What the Shadow Knows: An Interview with John A. Sanford Excerpts from ‘Meeting the Shadow’ by Connie Zweig William A. Miller, Finding the Shadow in Daily Life summary Jordan Peterson talks about the Shadow Alan Watts on the Shadow Chogyam Trungpa, Smile at Fear lojong Facing obstacles, defilements, hindrances and obscurations (kleshas) with Lojong practice Wipipedia:Five hindrances...


Working with what Jung called The Shadow Edward C. Whitmont, The Evolution of the Shadow D. Patrick Miller, What the Shadow Knows: An Interview with John A. Sanford Excerpts from ‘Meeting the Shadow’ by Connie Zweig William A. Miller, Finding the Shadow in Daily Life summary Jordan Peterson talks about the Shadow Alan Watts on the Shadow Chogyam Trungpa, Smile at Fear lojong Facing obstacles, defilements, hindrances and obscurations (kleshas) with Lojong practice Wipipedia:Five hindrances...