
deep work https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00X47ZVXM/ tame the flow https://leanpub.com/tame-the-flow living in flow https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342054567_Book_Review_Living_in_Flow_The_Science_of_Synchronicity_and_How_Your_Choices_Shape_Your_World_by_Sky_Nelson-Isaacs


Logseq is a note taking, task listing and wiki system. It’s multi platform and has extensive export, import and query possibilities and add-ons supporting mind maps, calendars and attached files. It natively saves pages and journals in plain text format. handy move items up and down: shift-alt arrows tag pages (tags: tag) and items (#tag) queries add to favorites; use dots. to manually add favorites: edit logseq/config.edn :favorites array. difference between tags pages and page pages every page gets an automatic listing with pages tagged with ‘specific-name’, best to be careful not to make it ‘snm’....


1 collect Carry a small notebook (or whatever capture tool works for you) and write down any tasks, ideas, projects, or other information that pop into your head. Get it out of your head and onto paper, so you don’t forget it. ZTD asks you to pick a very simple, portable, easy-to-use tool for capture — a small notebook or small stack of index cards are preferred because they are much easier to use and carry around than a PDA or notebook computer....