

“Boredom is important in meditation practice; it increases the psychological sophistication of the practitioners. They begin to appreciate boredom and they develop their sophistication until the boredom begins to become cool boredom, like a mountain river. It flows and flows and flows, methodically and repetitiously, but it is very cooling, very refreshing. Mountains never get tired of being mountains, and waterfalls never get tired of being waterfalls. Because of their patience we begin to appreciate them....


Working with what Jung called The Shadow Edward C. Whitmont, The Evolution of the Shadow D. Patrick Miller, What the Shadow Knows: An Interview with John A. Sanford Excerpts from ‘Meeting the Shadow’ by Connie Zweig William A. Miller, Finding the Shadow in Daily Life summary Jordan Peterson talks about the Shadow Alan Watts on the Shadow Chogyam Trungpa, Smile at Fear lojong Facing obstacles, defilements, hindrances and obscurations (kleshas) with Lojong practice Wipipedia:Five hindrances...


Working with what Jung called The Shadow Edward C. Whitmont, The Evolution of the Shadow D. Patrick Miller, What the Shadow Knows: An Interview with John A. Sanford Excerpts from ‘Meeting the Shadow’ by Connie Zweig William A. Miller, Finding the Shadow in Daily Life summary Jordan Peterson talks about the Shadow Alan Watts on the Shadow Chogyam Trungpa, Smile at Fear lojong Facing obstacles, defilements, hindrances and obscurations (kleshas) with Lojong practice Wipipedia:Five hindrances...